one of those weeks so far. Busy Busy Busy. Started Monday off with a bang arguing half the day away with our insurance company. Cause nobody there can give anyone a straight answer. My daughter's pediatrician states they take our insurance talk to the insurance company and was told that all i had to do was change our primary care manager and all the problems would be solved. What a joke. The doctor's office does accept our insurance but not the one we have, we have
Tricare Prime and they only take
Tricare Standard, now you would think that the person talking to the doctors off would have told them that, NO. So we have to switch doctors, what a pain in the butt.
Then I have a
possed ice maker in my freezer. One day it will make enough ice to fill the bin. Then we will go weeks with it only making enough ice to cover the bottom of the bin. So I finally get a chance to call to have someone come and look at it and don't you know the last 3 days the ice maker has been making enough ice the bin is over flowing, how you suppose to have someone look at an ice maker that is making ice.
OMGThe school district here has a summer program for kids that just got out of preschool and are entering
Kindergarten this fall call Success by Six. It's to help them so they don't forget everything they learned in preschool. Well I signed my daughter up and had been wondering for the last month whether or not she got in. I finally got a letter from the program saying welcome the to Success By Six program and gives specific things that are going on during the month of July. But doesn't say when it starts. I called on Monday and the ladies says oh it starts tomorrow. She has to be there by 8:45 and stays till Noon. Then this week at Church is our Vacation Bible School from 6 - 9 pm. My poor baby is so tired today, she is cranky and miserable. She is use to going to bed at 8:30
LOL. Will I survive this week.
I joined a new
Internet yahoo group last week. It's called Aspiring
DigiScrap Designers. It's really a great group. I have gotten a lot of information and learned quite a bit since being in there. The email is a tad overwhelming at times, anywhere to like 90 emails at a time. But if you go digest you don't get to see the pics that people send and sometimes the links don't work. It's really a great group, the designers are very nice. I do notice thou that like any other group the people that know each other tend to answer those emails and when your new to a group and your emails don't get a response it's hard or you only get 3 responses and others get 20. At least try to answer
every one's especially if they are asking for your opinion.
Trying really hard to get laundry done and pick up the house. Been watching my
niece for the summer while my brother and his wife work. Gives my baby someone to play with. But some days
OHhhhhhhhhhhhh my. I guess I am done babbling for the day. Will get you all our a freebie really soon. Some times I just get going doing other things and I don't blog as often as I should. you know just one more thing in a day to do.