There are some fantastic sales and things going on around all over Digi World. You are going to find some great things.
DigiScrapStation is having a fantastic sale starting on Saturday and they also have a brand new collaboration kit Called How Does Your Garden Grow and it's CU too. Spend 10.00 bucks in the store and it's yours free. There is another preview on the page at the store, this is only part of it
Sale starting Saturday is this
Cecilia Swatton, 50% off 5 collections
Cynthia Powell Designs, 50% off 2 collections
DC Creations, 50% off
FredaF, 40% off
Gail Cook, 40% off
Karens Scraps & Graphics, 55% off everything over $1.99
Karen Stimson, Wool Sweater Street, 40% off
Kathy's Scraps, 50% off everything over $1
LilyKay, 50% off
Osten Wilkins Designs, 50% off
Panda Bear Designs, 60% off
PsiPsi Designs, 50% off
Scrappy Cats, 50% off
Sherry Scraps, 60% off everything over $1
The Brown Owl, 45% off
Throwing Some Scraps Around, 60% off